Greetings reader.
As you, hopefully, already know, I sell prints in my shop, both standard and fine art quality. However, I understand that even my lowest of low prices may be a little too high for some people. I believe that art and photography should be enjoyed by everyone, not just the wealthy. So, in an attempt to help keep my photos accessible to everyone, I’m currently working on releasing a batch of photos for digital download. I haven’t quite worked out all of the details, yet, but I’ll share what I’ve come up with so far.
I will be releasing a selection of high quality images for digital download. These will likely be some of my favorites, and not necessarily my “best” work. My goal is to keep these downloads as cheap as possible, while still making them profitable (sorry, it’s a business) so none of these particular images will be the same as my prints. I will always keep my prints and these affordable digital downloads separate, as I don’t want to reduce the value of my fine art prints.
These digital downloads will be for personal, non-profit use only. Since I’m trying to keep these prices low, I will not be handing over any kind of commercial licencing rights for any of the images. The images will be a one time download for personal use only. Much like when you download a song off the iTunes store, you will have ownership over that one digital version of the image. You can make digital copies for yourself, play around with them in Photoshop, use them for your computer desktop or phone wallpaper, etc. However, I will clearly state that they are not to be resold, redistributed, printed with the intent to sell or give away, or reproduced in any way. Furthermore, they are not able to be used in any commercial way, regardless of form. In the future, I also plan to release some digital images for commercial use with licencing rights (phase two), but they will be much more less affordable. I’m also considering some other digital options (phase three), but I won’t get into that yet, as it’s something I’ve just started thinking about (and I think a new idea I’ve never seen before - so I don’t want anyone to steal it… not that I have an influence).
Each affordable digital download will have my name and my website on it in small text, in an effort to prevent them from being resold or printed, but at the end of the day, it will be running on the honor system. This is what will help keep the prices so low, as they will technically count as “watermarks”.
I’m planning to roll these out some time in September.
Thanks for reading.